Hunter Biden Laptop

Hunter Biden Acknowledges Compromising Laptop ‘Absolutely’ May Belong to Him

Hunter Biden acknowledged recently that a laptop left at a Delaware computer-repair shop in 2019 filled with compromising information “absolutely” could be his.

“I really don’t know what the answer is, that’s the truthful answer,” he said in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning set to air this weekend. “I have no idea.”

“Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked, it could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me,” he added.

The acknowledgment comes months after the New York Post first reported on the emails, which suggest Hunter Biden may have made an introduction between his father, then–vice president Joe Biden, and a Ukrainian adviser to Burisma Holdings in 2015.

The emails purportedly show that Hunter Biden made the introduction less than a year before his father pushed Ukranian officials to fire a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

The documents, which Rudy Giuliani, then on the legal team of President Trump, gave to the paper, were reportedly recovered from a laptop computer that was dropped off at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019 but never retrieved. It was seized by the FBI months later.

A senior federal law enforcement official told Fox News in October that the emails are “authentic,” while officials at the FBI and the Justice Department agreed with then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe’s comments that the laptop is “not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

According to the New York Post, other emails on the laptop featured Hunter Biden exploring potential business deals with China’s largest private energy company. He called one such deal “interesting for me and my family.”

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Images for Hunter Biden Laptop:

Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop


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